Author. Speaker.

NO GOD LIKE THE MOTHER, won the Ken Kesey Award For Best Fiction in the 2020 Oregon Book Awards. It is a collection of nine short stories based around Child, Mother, and the World.

It is a tribute to those who have experienced the brutality of breathing through the agony of losing a child. It sheds light on the unknown and the not knowing. It wraps warmth around the loneliness of being surrounded only by one’s thoughts. It is carrying the torch for someone who can no longer do so. It is the discovery that another suffers as you do. It is healing. It is the break from difficulty. It is the feeling of elation when another loves you too. It is the friends. It is the exhaustion that leaves ones breath when the word Mama is heard, and knowing that still, she must go on. It is freedom even if hope is all that sits on the other side.

To Mammo,

Through your body, mind and soul, you spoke to the moon in tongues, drew her from a thin line until she floated full and white in the sky. How grand you are, Mother, filling us with the contents of your womb, sustaining our humanity. Mother, I feel you everywhere, in the trees that birthed the seasons one after the other, in the night that birthed day and then itself, in who I was, am and always will be.



Cover By: Omo’Dara Ajose-Fisher